Development Tools – System Builder SB/XA
Open Up Your Options
System Builder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA) lets you rapidly build robust business solutions. With SB/XA, you focus on modeling your business logic using high-level Tool and Process Definitions. Once you define your business rules, defaults and data validations, you can re-use them to bring consistency across your application.
Pick your style
Choose the presentation format that best fits the task, using the SB/XA Designer to easily lay out your screen and apply default styling for mandatory fields, intuitive help, Outlook-style menus, and more.
Take Control
Extend the standard controls included in SB/XA with your choice of third-party .NET controls, or develop your own custom control to customize the look of your application with no need to change the business logic underneath.
Go Mobile with SB/XA web services
If you're ready to leverage your existing investment in SB/XA to drive new types of applications - including web and mobile - you can take advantage of the new SB/XA Services by adding the Connection Manager. Available at release 6.5.0 from May 2017.
With Connection Manager, you can extend your SB/XA applications to new devices, languages, and frameworks, because SB/XA Services enables you to use RESTful services to call any non-interactive process with an HTTP interface.
With Rocket® SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture, Version 6.5, and the new Connection Manager, you can take your applications to the web or mobile without rewriting your business logic.
Secure your data
Authenticate just once, using Windows, SB/XA or domain-level authentication for access to client, middle tier, and application server systems. Secure data and processes at the group, user, process, or data field levels.